
Through the Looking Glass: The Parallel Lives of Louise Brooks and Charlotte Brontë

Spoiler Alert: This article contains detailed discussions of plot developments and character analyses from Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre and Louise Brooks’s Lulu in Hollywood. If you prefer to experience these stories without prior knowledge of specific events, you might wish to read the original works before continuing. Table of Contents Exploring the Autobiographical Threads in…


The Muse and the Covetous: Semantics of the Louise Brooks Stalker (LBS)

Table of Contents Disclaimer: The contents herein traverse the shadowy domains of obsession and intimidation, documenting the author’s direct confrontations with the nefarious activities of one Vincent Lesh, aka the Louise Brooks Stalker (LBS), a cyber squatter of ill repute, and the relentless challenges posed by the Louise Brooks Society, under the questionable management of…