
Exposing the “Debacle” of Thomas Gladysz: A Parallelistic Examination of Obsession and Missteps

Table of Contents In his article “True Confession: I’ve Been Stalking Louise Brooks for 20 Years,” Thomas Gladysz presents himself as a gatekeeper of Brooks’ legacy, yet his obsessive behavior mirrors that of a contemporary Mr. Flowers, revealing a troubling irony. Michael Garcia Mujica Thomas Gladysz, a self-styled “expert” on silent film star Louise Brooks,…


The Cult of Personality: Vincent Lesh and Thomas Gladysz

In the gatekeeping world of the silent film community, not representative of all, but a social media internet-based branch nonetheless, few figures are as theatrically dubious as Vincent Lesh and Thomas Gladysz. Gladysz, often described as a grifter, a pseudo-intellectual, and a charlatan, finds an eager enabler in Lesh. Their partnership, or rather, their symbiotic…